In a few days the Senate will vote whether to confirm David Chipman as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Yet, Senator Pat Toomey has not yet committed his support for this highly qualified 25-year veteran of ATF and gun violence prevention advocate.

This is our chance to put a permanent leader to the agency responsible for cracking down on illegal firearms that fuel much of the violence. Will you tell Senatory Toomey to vote "yes" on David Chipman's confirmation for ATF Director?

Your voice could make the difference here. 


-----------------------------ORIGINAL MESSAGE-----------------------------


Gun dealers are being let off the hook -- allowing  more firearms into the hands of criminals and other prohibited purchasers. In Pennsylvania, a blockbuster report found 20% of sellers with violations should have had their licenses revoked by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). That never happened. [1]

The nationwide problem resulted in some dealers becoming dens of illegal firearm trafficking, with violence soon following. In West Virginia, one accomplice told investigators “hundreds, if not thousands of firearms” were sold illegally.

This is exactly why Senator Toomey must vote for longtime ATF agent, David Chipman, as the nation’s chief enforcement officer of our federal gun safety laws. The vote is this week. Tell Sen. Toomey now: “We need a strong ATF that will help end the gun violence crisis. Vote yes on Chipman.”

David Chipman understands the issue of gun violence like few others. He had a decorated, 25-year career at the ATF focusing on enforcing the nation’s firearm laws to cut down on illegal trafficking. That work helped combat terrorism and protect communities.

As a gun owner and father, he understands that responsible gun owners and sellers follow the law. And when they don’t, people get hurt. The Agency hasn’t had a permanent leader since the last was confirmed in 2015 -- leaving it rudderless as violence has risen.

Tell Senator Toomey: Confirm David Chipman as Director of the ATF


¹ "Gun Dealers Let Off Hook When ATF Inspections Find Violations", USA Today, May 26, 2021.

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