I believe that health care access is a right.

Health care access is a right for all — not a privilege for those who can pay.

It’s time to expand Medicaid in North Carolina.

Add your name to show your support >>>


I believe that North Carolina is the greatest state in the nation and the best place to live and raise a family.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t do better.

More than a million North Carolinians still lack access to affordable health insurance — and the health care they need and deserve.

That means having to choose between going to the doctor and buying groceries for the week. It’s deciding not to fill necessary prescriptions so you can afford to pay the rent.

Those are choices no one should ever have to make.

For too long, Republican leaders in our state legislature have blocked expanding Medicaid in North Carolina, denying access to quality health care to more than 500,000 people who need it.

John, it’s past time to expand Medicaid in North Carolina. Sign our petition right now to say you support passing the expansion >>>


Together, we can make North Carolina a better, healthier place for all of us to live.

Thank you,
