Films and debates to inspire a better future: the Green Screen Are you an activist, community leader, academic, journalist, or simply someone looking for a way to get politically engaged in this uncertain time? While the pandemic has kept many of us at home this past year, the crisis has also foregrounded the pressing issues of our time and our common uncertain futures in the face of these challenges. That is why we decided to create the Green Screen: a series of film screenings followed by engaging discussions on the contemporary issues we face today as well as artistic performances.
Be one of the first to book a place, at the first ever Green Screen: visit our website now. News Another environmental disaster: Gas pipeline ruptures in the Gulf of Mexico Many of us have already seen images from the underwater gas pipeline rupture in the Gulf of Mexico. Although they look unfathomable, these images are very real. The fire blazed for more than five hours before it was put out – already too late to avoid the devastating impact of the gas penetrating the gills and skin of fish and other marine wildlife. Turkey leaves the Istanbul Convention despite calls to 'Stop the Withdrawal!' by civil society Despite conservative reactionary groups arguing against the convention, only a slim 17% of citizens approved the move while almost 64% opposed it according to a July 2020 poll. Another poll taken in August 2020 showed that only 7% approved. Many citizens have been protesting the withdrawal from this treaty in the last few months. No to bottom trawl fishing! Bottom trawl fishing is the devastating commercial practice of using giant weighted fish nets the size of jumbo jets. Let’s ban bottom trawl fishing in marine protected areas as part of the upcoming EU ocean protection action plan, as part of a larger push to protect 30% of world oceans by 2030. News from our member parties Montenegro Greens, URA, congress news Dr. Dritan Abazović was re-elected president of #pokretura: "The URA is like an olive - the more you oppress it, the more it bears fruit. It symbolizes peace, love and prosperity. Let's stay like an olive!" Join the conversation | Twitter
Czech greens and launch of elections Good luck to our member party Zelení, and their leading candidate Magdalena Davis for the Czech general elections campaign! They are the only party or party coalition to stand a female leading candidate. Their focus is on climate, opportunities for women and policies supporting young families. Join the conversation | Twitter | Instagram
Sweden: Marta Stanevi, party leader of Swedish Greens delivers traditional Almedalen speech: “We want politics that reduce emissions and stop climate change. A society that stands up for all people's right to safety and to be who they are. Which reduces gaps instead of increasing them.” Watch the speech
Moldova - elections Moldova is holding elections on the 11th of July and the Green party are campaigning as one of the only parties with a woman as a leading candidate, and well-known activists Oleg Brega on their list: Watch the campaign video
Thomas Weitz’ visit to Bulgaria Co-Chair of the EGP committee, Thomas Weitz just returned from his visit to Bulgaria. Together with the Bulgarian Greens co-chair Borislav Sandov, he visited several sites/forests around Sofia where illegal logging is taking place. He reflected that there is a lot of beautiful and important natural heritage to protect. Unfortunately, some individuals are focused on profits not protection! The EU needs to ensure that EU funds are controlled properly and not misused. Join the conversation | Twitter | Instagram Events Future
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LGBTQI rights in Hungary "Between a Europe of freedom and a Europe of hatred and oppression, the choice is very clear", said our MEP Terry Reintke at the European Parliament plenary debate on #LGBTQI rights and rule of law in #Hungary and #Poland. Aviation Tax How can it be that flying is cheaper than taking the train? Even though trains are much less of a hassle AND so much better for the environment! It’s because of unfair taxation. Take charge of your future.
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