You may not have heard about this alarming threat to our democracy...

Friend, tell me if you’ve heard this story before:

It starts with a handful of ultra-wealthy donors -- looking to avoid paying their fair share in taxes, gut workers’ or environmental protections, and roll back decades of social progress.

And... they realize that they’ll never get their way if they play fair. So, instead of trying to convince people to their point of view, they dump millions -- amounts you or I could never afford, but pocket change to them -- into rigging our system to ram through their extreme agenda.

These secretive big spenders, like the Koch network and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) -- have a new, even more dangerous tactic to get their way. And... even though it could permanently transform America for the worse -- most Americans aren’t even aware of this new threat!

It’s called an Article V Convention. If it’s successful, no right or freedom we enjoy would be safe. And even worse, believe it or not, 28 state legislatures have already signed on -- which means this shadowy, right-wing plot just needs six more to be set into motion.

Once a convention is called, unelected, unaccountable delegates will have free rein to rewrite our Constitution. They’re sure to propose devastating new amendments to undo everything from marriage equality to the Affordable Care Act.

Friend, the wealthy special interests behind this push have a radically different vision for America than you or me. They know that an Article V Convention is their best bet to transform America rapidly. And, that leaves us no choice but to address this like the serious, generation-defining threat that it is.

The right-wing groups we’re up against are well-funded and have so much to gain from an Article V Convention that there’s practically no limit to what they’re willing to spend. But we have something they don’t -- the grassroots people power of over 1 million supporters like you.

In fact, we’ve proven we can fight the extremists and win. Common Cause activists have already successfully rolled back calls for an Article V Convention in Delaware, New Mexico, Maryland, and Nevada. And -- if we can continue to count on your support and advocacy -- I know we will prevail.

With just six states between us and an Article V Convention, the time to redouble our efforts is right now. I hope we can count on your immediate support.





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Common Cause has the expertise, the nonpartisan standing, and the grassroots power to successfully fight back. We’re building coalitions with Democratic and Republican lawmakers in red, blue, and purple states alike to defend all of us against the far right’s Article V power grab.

We must not -- and will not -- let these extremists rewrite our Constitution. Please let me know I can count on you to stand with me in this fight.

Thanks for all you do,

Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause

P.S. To learn more about this threat to our Constitution and to see how you can get involved in your state, visit

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