sets the record straight on CU, bank mergers in response to banker attack
NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger Thursday wrote to Treasury Secretary Janet
Yellen to clarify falsehoods and inaccuracies about credit union and bank mergers
hurled by the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA).
3 things to know this week
NAFCU's widely-read NAFCU Today is credit union leaders' go-to source
for the latest on issues impacting the credit union industry. For those short
on time, here's a roundup of this week's top need-to-know updates and resources.
on the Compliance Blog: FinCEN AML/CFT priorities, CFPB supervisory highlights
As credit unions work to meet the needs of more than 124 million Americans during
the coronavirus pandemic, NAFCU's award-winning regulatory compliance team
continues to keep credit unions informed with new posts on the Compliance Blog every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
$250 on Critical CU Training
Use code SUMMER by
7/23 to save $250 on any of NAFCU's Online Training Subscriptions. Your entire
CU will receive year-round access to critical regulatory updates and training.