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Friday, July 9th, 2021

Jules Verne and the Loss of American Heroism

Anders Koskinen

13 Important Points in the Campus & K-12 ‘Critical Race Theory’ Debate


A Saigon Moment in the Hindu Kush

Pepe Escobar

It Is Not for Kings To Drink Wine

Allan Stevo

Genetic Baloney in Thick Slices

Jon Rappoport

Confronted With the Fact Their Policies Are Ruining US Cities and Killing Thousands, Dems Give The Usual Reply: ‘Shut Up, Racist!’

Tony Cox

U Eviction is Just Another Word for Extinction

Thomas Luongo

Sitting Ducks: Second UChicago Student Slaughtered While Liberal Admin Boosts the War on Cops

The Assange Case Isn’t About National Security, It’s About Narrative Control

Caitlin Johnstone

Censorship Is Being Used To Institutionalize Disinformation and To Discredit Reliable Information: The Case of Naomi Wolf

Paul Craig Roberts

5 Specific Reasons Why You Should Stockpile Food Right Now

Michael Snyder

Scientific Reasons for Waiting To Get the Covid Vaccine

Pandra Selivanov

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