
When I joined Big Tech platforms 10 years ago, I thought they would be a force for good. 

I thought they would help us build relationships, communicate freely, and promote transparency. I can now say I was wrong.

Big Tech has failed to promote the battle of ideas and free speech. Rather, they promote ideas and viewpoints they agree with… and suppress speech and censor beliefs they don’t like.

Those polarizing actions have had a dire impact on our democracy; they’ve been a destructive force on our society. 

The destructive nature of social media is eroding people’s health and killing healthy debate. Facebook “friends” now replace real-life friends, while Twitter “followers” too often become bullies. 

The end result? Destroyed families, friendships, reputations, and careers. Some lives have been ruined, while others have been lost. Big Tech platforms are my biggest fear as a parent of three school-age children. 

Big Tech platforms are defying our most sacred value as Americans—freedom of speech—by trying to define it as they see fit. It doesn’t work that way.

Big Tech needs to be exposed and completely transparent for what they are doing to our children, our democracy, and our society. 

In America, we cherish freedom of speech. It is a foundation of our personal rights and liberties. Rather than censor and silence constitutionally protected speech, the answer is MORE speech, not less. MORE dialogue, not censorship. MORE openness, not cancelations.  

That's the American Way.

Independent Women’s Forum has been leading the fight to protect free speech, end “cancel culture,” and stop censorship. But they need your help.

IWF has top-notch policy centers pumping out research and policy papers, a law center filing amicus briefs and lawsuits, and communications professionals correcting misconceptions.

And they’re soon launching a private platform where you can connect with other like-minded individuals and freely express your opinions and viewpoints without being canceled or censored. 

I’m proud of the work they’re doing; they are a good partner in the fight for our freedom, civil society, and open democracy.

Friend, I urge you to invest in IWF before their end-of-quarter deadline, so they can keep up the good fight for you… and for me.

Thank you, and God bless America,

Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers

Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers is only soliciting funds from permissible sources within the federal limits.