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Ali May says that for men who are unhappy with the way their penis looks and feels as a result of being cut in infancy, there is no way back. Dr Antony
Lempert of the NSS's Secular Medical Forum is quoted.
The NSS has urged Harrow Council in London to reject a popular definition of Islamophobia because of the risk it could act as a "back door blasphemy law".
David Aaronovitch says protests outside schools in Birmingham are part of a faith-led backlash against liberal values that is gaining traction on the left
and right.
A Christian campaigner has defended parents protesting at the school gates over LGBT-inclusive lessons. Meanwhile the National Association of Head Teachers
says it has been contacted by at least 70 schools across England in relation to parents trying to stop the lessons.
A Christian family who refused to pay income tax because it went "against God's will" have been ordered to pay more than A$2m (£1.1m) to Australia's tax
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