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Greetings CURE Epilepsy community,

Beth Lewin Dean

In January of this year, the epilepsy community came together for the Curing the Epilepsies Conference. This conference, which occurs every seven years or so, sets the priorities to help advance research toward cures and improved health outcomes for people with epilepsy. Following this conference, members of the epilepsy advocacy group community, including CURE Epilepsy’s Chief Scientific Officer, Laura Lubbers, wrote an editorial highlighting the critical needs to achieve this goal, which include integrating epilepsy care and research and reducing health disparities for underserved communities. They also noted that creating a National Plan that would accelerate the goals of improving quality of life and developing cures for every person touched by epilepsy is key to attaining these transformative changes.

One of the many ways that we at CURE Epilepsy support these goals is to inspire students to pursue careers and become the future of epilepsy research. That’s why we’re happy to announce our 2021 class of Education Enrichment Fund scholars. From aspiring artists to budding neuroscientists, these exceptional students aim to become agents of change within the epilepsy community.

In this CURE Epilepsy update, please find information on:

Thank you for your enduring support of research toward a cure for epilepsy.

Beth Lewin Dean, CEO

Editorial: Epilepsy Community at an Inflection Point, by CURE Epilepsy’s Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Laura Lubbers

Following up on the Curing the Epilepsies Conference, CURE Epilepsy Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Laura Lubbers, Scientific Advisory Council member Dr. Eric Marsh, and others from the epilepsy community share their perspectives on the critical needs for epilepsy research in an editorial in Epilepsy Currents. Read their thoughts here.

CURE Epilepsy Announces 2021 Education Enrichment Fund Scholars

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CURE Epilepsy, in partnership with Greenwich Biosciences, was pleased to announce the 2021 class of Education Enrichment Fund (EEF) Scholars last month. Our ten scholars will together receive $50,000 to advance their education while working to build a brighter future for those impacted by epilepsy. Read more about each individual and how they plan to become agents of change within the epilepsy community. 

Unite to CURE Epilepsy Benefit on September 17

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Join live host Mike Barnicle, award-winning journalist, contributor to MSNBC’s Morning Joe, and Julia’s dad, for an evening filled with engaging entertainment, moving stories from those in the epilepsy community, and promising updates from leading researchers. Be part of the fun! Host a Watch Party and connect with the broader CURE Epilepsy family. Visit our website for more information and to register.

Team CURE Epilepsy Entries Available for the LA and NY Marathons

We still have spots available in the Los Angeles and New York marathons! Contact us to learn more about how you can join Team CURE Epilepsy and run to support the 1 in 26 impacted by epilepsy.

Matt Schneider, JD joins the CURE Epilepsy Board of Directors

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Please welcome Matthew Schneider, JD, to the CURE Epilepsy board! Matt refers to epilepsy as “the family business” since four of his loved ones live with epilepsy. Matt first joined the CURE Epilepsy research committee and looks forward to serving on the CURE Epilepsy board with particular interest around the genetics of epilepsy and data driven approaches to finding cure(s).

Free webinar from PAME on July 16: Sleep, Night, and SUDEP

Understanding the connection between night, sleep, and SUDEP may provide clues to improving preventive measures. Join PAME, Friday, July 16 at 11:00 am CT for a free 90-minute webinar to learn about the latest in basic science and clinical research on sleep, circadian rhythms, and SUDEP. Clinicians, scientists, advocates, people with epilepsy, and family members are welcome to participate.

New from Seizing Life®, a CURE Epilepsy Podcast

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Catch up on the latest episodes of our Seizing Life podcast and hear about:
  • Geoff’s grieving process after losing his wife to SUDEP, including what he has personally found helpful, helping his son cope with the loss, and raising awareness about SUDEP: Watch or Listen.
  • Jon’s 50-year journey with epilepsy, a microcosm of what has been accomplished, and a directive highlighting the work that remains: Watch or Listen.
Do you have a story you want to tell about how epilepsy has impacted your life, your family, or your community? Please share your epilepsy truth on our website.
Our mission is to find a cure for epilepsy, by promoting and funding patient-focused research. CURE Epilepsy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Our tax identification number is 36-4253176.
Copyright © 2021 CURE Epilepsy, All rights reserved.
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