Dear John,
You may have noticed a lot of terms in the headlines like Care Infrastructure, Home and Community-Based Services or HCBS, American Jobs Plan or AJP, Better Jobs Better Care, or "reconciliation." And if you are like most folks, you are probably wondering what all of this means — especially if you are a family caregiver or paid care worker.

Well, you are in luck because on our Caregiver Corner tomorrow, two experts will break it all down, make it make sense, and tell you more about what Caring Across and our partners are doing to make a change for those who care. Tomorrow's line-up includes our own Ai-jen Poo, Co-Founder and Director of Caring Across Generations, to talk about what we're doing to strengthen America's care systems. I'm also excited that we will have Nicole Jorwic, the Senior Executive Officer of State Advocacy and Senior Director of Public Policy at The Arc of the United States, a powerful disability rights organization and partner of ours.
Join me on Friday, July 9th at 1 pm ET as we talk about the historic and transformative conversations being had in the halls of justice, and share some exciting news about the Care Can’t Wait Day of Action taking place next week in Washington D.C.!
With care,
Aisha Adkins,
Constituency Organizer