Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

Today marks the start of the first Special Session this year, where legislators will convene in Austin to finish the work you have elected us to do.

Texas Special Session

I joined Bill Hemmer on America's Newsroom this morning to talk about it. Click here to watch.

We saw tremendous gains this past session and took steps forward in our fight for Conservative values.

We delivered on landmark pro-life and Second Amendment legislation, including Constitutional Carry. These bills have already become national models. With the Star-Spangled Banner Protection Act, we ensured that if sports teams take taxpayer money, they must play the national anthem at their events.

However, the fight isn't over yet.

We are ready to pass every piece of legislation on Gov. Abbott's call, starting with Senate Bill 1, the Election Reform and Ballot Security Bill. Though we had passed this bill in the Senate this past session, it ultimately died in the House.

I am glad to see this much-needed legislation make its way back, and I look forward to passing it to make our elections more secure.

Texans deserve to have confidence that their votes are counted in a free and fair election, and this bill will do just that.

Do you believe our elections should be more secure? Take our poll.

I'm excited to be back at the Capitol and finishing the hard work for the people of Texas.

Please continue to keep our state and our nation in your prayers. May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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