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The Abortion Rights Emergency
Sam Goldman interviews Jessica Mason Pieklo, Senior Vice President and Executive Editor at Rewire News and co-host of the podcast Boom! Lawyered. Follow her on Twitter at @Hegemommy.
The RNL Show’s Sunsara Taylor interviews long-time abortion provider Dr. Warren Hern. Follow Sunsara at @SunsaraTaylor and watch The RNL Show on YouTube.

Jessica Mason Pieklo: "We cannot have a conversation about what is happening with abortion rights right now, without also having a conversation about what has been happening with the federal courts for the last 10 years...Trump gets elected, they stack the courts, and so now it's game on. Like they know that it's rigged. They're not even shy about it. I mean, I think in response, folks who vigorously support abortion rights need to call out how blatantly political it is, because there is going to be a whole lot of conversations when the Court hears arguments about, well, maybe it's not so bad... And the thing is, we can't fall for that. We know who they are. They're telling us, so let's not get distracted!"
Sunsara Taylor: "Without the right to abortion, without the right to decide for themselves when and whether to have a child free of fear, stigma and shame or interference from the state, women cannot be free. This is why millions of people need to be saying and acting on the demand: abortion on demand and without apology to bring about a world where all forms of violence and oppression, degradation and abuse against women are finally ended. "
Dr. Warren Hern: "Trump and his people are the worst thing that's happened since the country was founded, and I'm including the Civil War. Yes, there were 700,000 people died in the Civil War. But Trump killed over 500,000 people by the way he handled COVID. Lincoln was there to protect the American government, to protect democracy, where Trump has spent his entire time trying to oppose democracy. Now he's in the middle of the Republican Party, which is opposed to democracy. The Republican Party is basically saying, if we don't win, then we don't count the election. So you can't have a democracy in a circumstance like that...
It is one thing for a woman to feel that she wants to have a baby and she's willing to experience the risk of pregnancy with good medical help. She's entitled best medical care she can have to make sure she survives pregnancy and has a healthy baby. But if she doesn't want to be pregnant. there is absolutely no justification whatsoever, for forcing her to continue the pregnancy to term. There's no medical, legal, philosophical, any kind of religion, or any kind of justification. Religious justifications are about power, it's about controlling the lives of women....Safe abortion is a fundamental component of women's healthcare. That's an absolutely keystone proposition. But the larger picture that threatens democratic society is that the Republican Party, which earned eternal disgrace, has used abortion and stepped on the bodies of women 45 years using the abortion issue to get power. And they've been very successful."
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