Hi Friend,

People were surprised when they heard a host of “The View” talking about the dangerous effects of cancel culture… and it wasn’t out-going host Meghan McCain. 

It was Sara Haines who said: 

"I just think this is such a dangerous time…. We talk about the divide in this country, the problem with racism, the lack of empathy — we're not gonna get closer to each other if we continue to wield this and weaponize it.”
She went on to ask: “Where does it end? I think it's very disheartening."

We wonder the same thing. Where is the line drawn? When is enough… enough? 

Friend, share your thoughts on cancel culture with this 1-question poll.

The left and mainstream media like to create victim classes, to label people as either the oppressed or the oppressor, and to pit each side against one another. 

If someone doesn’t subscribe to a certain set of beliefs,  or walk in lockstep with their extremist agenda, they cancel them.

Why? Because it sells. It makes them relevant, and it makes them feel powerful.

But it’s not helping. It’s not healing hearts. It’s not changing minds. 

Rather, cancel culture is destroying lives. It’s ruining reputations, relationships, and careers. And it’s devastating to our democracy, society, and shared sense of humanity.

America is better than this. 

Rather than canceling, we should be listening, educating, and empowering one another. That’s the only way people, institutions, and systems will fundamentally change.

Share your thoughts on cancel culture with this quick 1-question poll.


Carrie Sheffield