Tell the EPA: Protect our health & climate!

Dear John,

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is writing new rules to cut fracking's climate & toxic air pollution.

The first step in that process? EPA wants to hear from YOU!

Methane is 86x more powerful a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. And the oil and gas industry methane and other air pollution is fueling the climate crisis, and threatening the health and safety of our communities. It's past time to do something about it.

EPA has the authority, and oil and gas companies have the tools and technology, to cut methane pollution 65% below 2012 levels by 2025. But of course industry is pushing for much weaker rules -- which is why YOUR voice is important to counter their lobbyists.

There is no time to waste. Each year, the oil and gas industry releases 16 million metric tons of methane into the atmosphere, and without swift federal action, methane pollution from the industry will continue to skyrocket. 

We need you to let the EPA know that they can cut methane from oil and gas now, by submitting a written comment by July 30. In September, EPA will issue a draft rules based upon all comments received.

Thanks for standing up for our communities’ and climate!


Lauren Pagel, Policy Director

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