Just before the Fourth of July, the Supreme Court issued two decisions that will have significant impacts on our democracy.

By votes of 6-3, the conservative justices on the Court voted to uphold a restrictive Arizona voting law and strike down a California law requiring non-profit groups to disclose their major donors.

These decisions will make it harder for people to vote, and took an ominous step toward preventing Congress from passing laws to stop dark money groups from spending unlimited amounts of secret money to elect candidates of their choice.

We must act to safeguard our democracy by ensuring the right to vote is protected across the country, quickly reform our campaign finance laws, and stop Republicans from stacking the Supreme Court.

If you agree, add your name next to mine to show your support for voting rights and campaign finance reform >>

Both as a member of the House of Representatives and in the U.S. Senate, I have led efforts with my colleagues to protect voting rights and reform our campaign finance laws.

Immediately after the Court’s disastrous Citizens United ruling in 2010, I authored the DISCLOSE Act when I was serving in the House of Representatives to force super PACs and other dark money groups to disclose their major sources of funding.

It passed the House later that year — but failed by one vote in the Senate on a Mitch McConnell filibuster (in 2010 59 Democratic senators voted in favor of moving forward with the DISCLOSE Act while 39 Republicans voted against).

I’m going to keep doing everything in my power as a member of the Senate to make progress on these issues and more. It’s clear we must act now. That’s why we must end the filibuster and pass the For the People Act immediately.

Add your name to my petition today to show your support for legislation to reform our democracy by protecting the right to vote and overhauling our campaign finance laws >>

Thank you for staying in this important fight.
