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I wanted to take the time to share with you a bit of personal news today.

As you may be aware, I was diagnosed with Stage IV kidney cancer about 29 months ago. During that time, I’ve undergone treatment and made positive progress to the point that the cancer was no longer detectable. However, over the weekend, recent tests conducted at the Mayo Clinic revealed the cancer has returned.

The news is surprising, but as every cancer survivor knows, you fight the disease each and every day. Even the best of recoveries present unexpected challenges like the ones I am facing.

Throughout my battles, though, I have maintained a full, active schedule in Congress, campaigned aggressively for re-election, and lived and enjoyed life to the fullest. And be assured that I will continue to fight for America and serve the people of Minnesota’s First Congressional District with the highest level of energy, optimism, and enthusiasm!

I remain upbeat and view the future as bright. Jesus Christ is watching over me, and I am fortunate to be receiving medical care from the world’s finest professionals, who will treat me with a new FDA-approved drug. I am also grateful to have the loving support of my wife, Jennifer Carnahan, my family, my friends, my colleagues, my staff, and my constituents.

Thank you for your encouragement and prayers,

Congressman Jim Hagedorn 


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