Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

There is a lot of false information being spread about election reform in Texas.

Democrats cry "voter suppression" anytime we address election security. Their claims could not be further from the truth. Here are the facts...

The Left said we were suppressing voters when photo voter ID was passed in 2011 and again in 2017 when straight-ticket voting was eliminated.

However, since photo voter ID passed, Presidential voter turnout has increased 40%. Gubernatorial Election turnout has increased 76%. Before photo voter ID was in place, 58.6% of Texans voted. In 2020, 66.7% of Texans voted. 

2020 was also the first election held without straight-ticket voting. There was record-breaking turnout. Importantly, 85% of all Texans, including Democrats, support photo voter ID.

The mainstream media outlets won't report this, but support for election reform remains popular among Texans.

In fact, the Texas Association of Business poll released in April showed that Texans support most of the provisions in our Election Integrity and Security Bill, including a paper record for every ballot and stricter verification procedures for mail-in ballots.

Furthermore, an astounding 95% of Texans say it is EASY to vote in Texas. Yes, 95%!

Whenever you hear Democrats cry "voter suppression", remember this is not a new tactic.

Their rhetoric will not get in the way of what you have elected me to do, and I will continue to fight to protect the voices of all Texas voters.

Please continue to keep our state and our nation in your prayers. May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas 

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Matthew 20:26 (NLT)

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