Share our new video abut the Save Our Future Act; Middle schoolers get shoutout from Congressman Lowenthal

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  Weekly Briefing, July 7, 2021
Table of Contents:
Let's prove Exxon wrong 
Take action this week 
Featured lever: Lobbying 
Upcoming trainings
This week on the CCL blog
Exxon thinks a carbon
tax won't happen; let's
prove them wrong 


The climate advocacy world was all abuzz last week with the revelation from an Exxon lobbyist that the company's support for a carbon tax is a "talking point" largely because they don't believe it is likely to become law.

How does this change what we're doing at CCL? Short answer: It doesn't.

"We were never counting on Exxon to get a carbon price enacted," said CCL President Madeleine Para. "We're counting on citizens to push Congress to act. It's actually in our name." Hear more of our perspective in articles from HuffPost and the Dallas Morning News

Here at CCL, we strongly challenge Exxon's assumption that a carbon price will never get passed. In fact, we're seeing notable movement on the policy in this session of Congress. Some reasons why:

  • The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, the carbon pricing bill introduced by Rep. Ted Deutch, now has 76 cosponsors and is adding cosponsors every week, primarily because of our volunteers' lobbying efforts.
  • Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse recently introduced a strong new carbon pricing bill in the Senate with seven cosponsors. The Save Our Future Act prices carbon while making major investments in environmental justice communities and offering generous compensation for coal miners.
  • In Utah, 25 Republicans, most of them state legislators, recently signed an op-ed in support of carbon fee and dividend.

A strong show of support will increase the chances that a price on carbon will be included in climate legislation this year. Write to your representative and senators and ask them to support a carbon price if they haven't already!



In other news this week:

Diversity & Inclusion national gathering: Diversity is one of CCL’s core values, and many of our chapters are working hard to be more inclusive. If you’ve been involved in this work, you’re invited to a special gathering this Friday where you can connect with other D&I volunteers from around the country and share ideas. Details here.

Danny Richter featured on podcast: Looking for a good overview of different ways to price carbon? CCL’s VP for Government Affairs, Dr. Danny Richter, was featured on the Climate Now podcast this week to explain the intricacies of a carbon tax, cap and trade, and carbon fee and dividend. Listen to the podcast.

Jobs available with CCL: Citizens’ Climate Education is currently hiring for three full time positions: Development Coordinator, Content Marketing Manager, and Government Affairs Coordinator. We are also hiring for two six-month-long contract positions: Indiana Conservative Climate Field Organizer, Utah Conservative Climate Field Organizer.

Take action this week 

If you have a little time: Watch and share our new video about the Save Our Future Act on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The video features remarks from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse and Sen. Brian Schatz, sponsors of the bill. Tag your senators when you share and encourage them to cosponsor the bill. 

If you have more time: Join our national call this Saturday with guest Allie Kelly, Executive Director of The Ray. She’ll talk about technological innovations in mobility being developed at The Ray. The July 10 call starts at 1 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT. Learn more and add to your own calendar.

You can also connect with your nearest CCL chapter to take action in your community, or join one of CCL’s national online Action Teams to take action on specific topics like agriculture, health, faith, and more. 

Browse CCL Community’s Event Calendar to find upcoming events, trainings, and calls you can join.

Lobbying: Lowenthal's shoutout to students

When young people speak to members of Congress, they make a lasting impression. That was the case last month when middle school students in Long Beach, Calif., participated in a CCL lobby meeting with Rep. Alan Lowenthal (D-CA-47). The students, 7th-grader Soli Nickerson and 6th-grader Lily Phan, had participated in a 14-week “Climate Classroom” taught by high school and college youth and supported by CCL adult mentors. Students wrote to Lowenthal asking him to cosponsor the Energy Innovation Act, which he did in early June. Later in the month, Soli and Lily joined a Zoom meeting with Lowenthal to thank him and tell him why the climate issue is important to them.

Lowenthal engaged with the students and was so taken with them that he mentioned their interaction in a recent newsletter to constituents: “I am especially thankful for the students of Hughes and Rogers middle schools in Long Beach. I had a great discussion with these students recently on carbon pricing and natural solutions to climate change. The passion of these students—our next generation of leaders and activists—inspires me each day to continue working to ensure a healthy, safe environment for everyone.”

Climate Classroom was developed by CCL Long Beach member Natalie Gutenkauf, and the group is now adapting the curriculum for other CCL chapters.

Upcoming trainings 

7/8: How to Use CCL’s Branded Resources in Your Outreach - Want to make quality graphics for your CCL outreach and social media posts? This session will walk through the resources available in the CCL brand. Join us!

7/15: Grassroots Outreach Updates: COVID & Service - As we transition back to in-person outreach, this session offers the latest COVID guidelines and how CCL is incorporating the important element of service within its third lever of political will. Join us

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

7/13: Social Media Basics - Twitter, Facebook and Instagram can be effective communication tools in our advocacy work. This session will show you how to get started and get the most out of these social media platforms. Learn more and RSVP.

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.
This week on the CCL blog 
Writing to Congress: One of the best ways to get started as a climate advocate is to write personal letters to your members of Congress. What makes an effective letter? What are some good talking points about pricing carbon? We have some helpful tips. Read more.
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CCL Climate Advocate Training
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The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8pm ET, 5pm PT.
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Climate Advocate Training is held the first Wednesday of every month at 1 pm ET and the third Wednesday monthly at 8 pm ET (adjust for your local time zone).
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Core Volunteer Training is held weekly on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET, 5 pm PT.
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