Senator Mitch McConnell gave a rambling speech to a small audience at a university in Kentucky yesterday.
He noted that the Bluegrass State is getting $4 billion thanks to the American Rescue Plan.
That’s the landmark coronavirus relief package passed earlier this year — without a single Republican in either the House or the Senate voting for it.
The following words actually came out of Mitch McConnell’s mouth:
“You’re going to get a lot more money. I didn’t vote for it, but, um, you’re going to get a lot more money. … Hopefully, this windfall doesn’t come along again.”
Like Americans in every state, Kentuckians have suffered — and continue to suffer — the devastating effects of the pandemic.
And Mitch McConnell just admitted that:
1. The American Rescue Plan is helping Kentucky to the tune of $4 billion.
2. He voted to deny that essential relief to the American people.
3. In his mind, it was an unearned “windfall” that not even his own constituents deserved.
4. If he has his way, everyday Kentuckians won’t ever again be helped by the federal government.
By the way, it’s entirely possible that some Republicans in Congress would have voted for the American Rescue Plan if Mitch McConnell had not commanded them to oppose it as part of his bid to destroy the Biden administration from the get-go.
Tell Mitch McConnell:
Thank you for once again admitting that you simply do not care about everyday Americans, not even when they are your own constituents. Well, the American Rescue Plan was passed despite your campaign of rank partisan obstructionism. And it is so popular that you can’t talk about it — not even to remind us that you opposed it — without acknowledging how much it is helping. You have announced your intention to try to stonewall other essential legislation, including the significant infrastructure investments our country desperately needs. But we are going to make sure you lose that battle too, Senator.
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- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
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