
For some, the January 6th attack was the frightful culmination of a years-long fear. For others, it was the final straw, proving once and for all that the Republican Party had turned its back on democracy and the Constitution. But for every American, it should have been a wake up call: the threats of conspiracism, political violence, and authoritarian sentiments are very real.

And yet, six months later, there are politicians in Congress who refuse to admit what happened, or acknowledge who is responsible. Even worse, some of our elected leaders—people in whom we’ve placed our trust as citizens—have resorted to outright lies to defend and ultimately encourage the very people who laid siege to the seat of democracy.

Those craven lies and conspiracy theories are a stark reminder that the threats and conditions which laid the groundwork for the January 6th assault on America have not dissipated.

There is reason for hope, however. Principled Americans from all political persuasions are coming together. Courageous Republicans, including several in Congress, are standing up and speaking out. Independents and Democrats who have felt politically homeless are finding a new home, built on a shared belief in truth, accountability, the rule of law, and self-government. We have learned that not only do we have a duty to our country to change the course of our politics, together we have the power to.

That’s what the Renew America Movement is all about, building a home for the political homeless and sparking a revolution of the rational.

The road ahead is long and challenging. We will have to lean on each other to force out those who would rather drag our country to autocracy than risk their power in the hands of the people they claim to represent. We will find, recruit and enlist new patriots to our cause, and help elevate them, so that unifying leaders once again are at the helm. And we will have to stand resolutely against the pressures of partisan gamesmanship to rebuild the eroding systems of accountability and democracy on which the strength of our Republic lies. 

The last six months have proved how much work there is to do. Conversely, it has also proven that, together, we are more than capable of taking our nation in a new, more prosperous direction.

Renew America Movement






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