We're excited to share with you new resources for abolitionist organizing, from furthering political education inside and outside of cages with our newest issue of The Abolitionist, to fighting for effective pretrial and bail reform, and growing abolition on college and university campuses. Preview them below, download from our website and share widely!
For a world without walls,
Critical Resistance
On the Road to Freedom: An Abolitionist Assessment of Pretrial and Bail Reforms
*New Toolkit*
This toolkit provides an abolitionist orientation for approaches to pretrial reform. The primary purpose of this tool is to provide organizers who seek to challenge pretrial detention with examples, challenges, and best practices for moving forward an abolitionist campaign - ideally resulting in more wins!
The toolkit can be used as a whole, but is also able to be broken up into its component tools and used separately. We hope that you’ll use any and all parts and let us know what works. And of course, make concrete gains in the fight for abolition.
With features on defunding policing, Issue 35 covers a range of topics from this past year of robust anti-policing advancements in the fight to abolish the prison industrial complex. Preview the whole issue here.
New Post-Secondary Educators' Resources: A new resource guide & 8 Steps to Grow Abolition on university campuses!
CR's post-secondary abolitionist educators workgroup has been hard at work creating resources for college and university campuses and communities to further the fight for PIC abolition. Check them out here!
Sustain CR: Support our Summer fundraiser with a one-time donation or sign up to be a monthly sustainer!
Want to make sure CR continues to fight for PIC abolition tomorrow and well into the future? There are lot of ways to give to CR! Check out highlights from our organizing and give today.
Come celebrate your commitment to prison industrial complex abolition, learn about the many accomplishments your donations have made possible for us this year, and learn how you can continue to sustain our abolitionist organizing. Register HERE!