Something big is happening right now.
Today is an exciting day.
The streaming platform Hulu has nearly 100 million viewers, and right now some of them are about to go to a commercial break. When they do, they’re going to see something they haven’t seen before. Something that will change the way they think about what’s on their plate.
They’re going to see the truth about how chickens are raised for food. And they’re going to see how the meat industry uses deceptive advertising to mislead consumers.
The meat industry doesn’t want this footage to be aired, but it’s too late. The commercial is already live and being beamed into homes in every corner of the country.
This campaign would not have been possible without supporters like you. Last month I told you about Nick, one of our Mended Heart Society members, who offered a $25,000 matching challenge to help expose the realities of factory farming.
Today I’m excited to announce that we exceeded that goal, bringing in over $50,000 that will go to work to end the abuse of animals in our broken food system!
The work that is now possible because of this funding, including our new television ad, is changing the lives of animals. As new eyes are opened to the truth, this movement grows, and together, I know we can change the world.
We’re so grateful for every dollar given. If you want to help fund this work but haven’t had a chance to give yet, it’s not too late. Thank you for all you do.
For the animals,

David Coman-Hidy
President |
P.S. You can check out the commercial here. I’d love to know if you see it on Hulu!