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Friends of National Clean Energy Week,

2020 was a challenging year for all; despite global difficulties, clean energy prevailed well into 2021. Across America, clean and readily abundant forms of energy are powering more than homes and businesses. The clean energy sector is growing faster than ever, yet some of yesterday’s policies are holding back tomorrow’s progress.

America’s involvement in clean energy is crucial for our success in combating climate change. Would you like to learn more about clean energy in America, and it’s critical importance to American energy independence and reducing global emissions?

The 5th Annual National Clean Energy Week commences September 20-24, 2021 to celebrate clean energy’s successes and discuss its future in America. The NCEW 2021 Policy Makers Symposium serves as a centerpiece for NCEW and runs from September 21-23. The Symposium convenes policymakers, advocates, and the private sector to break barriers and elevate the value of clean energy in a three-day virtual conference – all from your laptop!

Why attend the NCEW 2021 Policy Makers Symposium?

National Clean Energy Week is a celebration of the policies, industries, and innovations that power our daily lives while producing no or very little greenhouse gas emissions. Despite the very real technological and political challenges, a clean energy future is in our reach, and America is ready to lead the way.

This is your chance to be a part of the American clean energy conversation and learn how legislative and industry leaders are working towards a clean energy future.

Who attends the Symposium?

Anyone can register and attend the Policy Makers Symposium! Attendees include:

  • Industry leaders
  • Advocates
  • Researchers
  • Investors
  • Policy Makers
  • Legislative Directors
  • U.S. Senators
  • U.S. House Representatives
  • Staff of U.S. Congress
  • Staff from Federal Agencies and Departments

Learn more about NCEW attendees here.

How do I sign up?

You can register for the National Clean Energy Week Policy Makers Symposium here!

If you are a Student with a valid .edu email, a Government Employee with a valid .gov email, or an active Member of the Press you qualify for free registration. 

As a ticket holder, you are able to view all of the events live or the recorded On-Demand Videos from all of the live keynote addresses and panel discussions for up to 3 months following NCEW21.

What are you waiting for?

Whether attending the Flagship Policy Makers Symposium or hosting your own celebration, please join us in recognition of all that clean energy can bring: energy independence, economic prosperity, and a more peaceful world.

Learn more about National Clean Energy Week.

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National Clean Energy Week

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