This is a stunning indictment of the left's takeover, take-down the American public education system. Look what they wrought.....
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Treasonous Schools: Only a Third of American Students Proud to Be American
This is a stunning indictment of the left's takeover, takedown of the American public education system.

Look what they wrought…..

Treasonous Schools: Only a Third of American Students Proud to Be American

A recent poll revealed just ...

America’s Woke Culture Is ‘Racializing’ France, President Macron Says
For well over a century, America was a force for good across the world. The USA exported political freedom, individualism and the fruits of America's moral, rational culture based on individual rights and freedom. That's been turned on its head. ...

“The Racism of Never Criticizing Muslims”
The idea that anyone who opposes jihad terror, Islamic Jew-hatred, creed apartheid, death penalty for blasphemy, apostasy and homosexuality is “islamophobic” is …....real  islamophobia.  My colleagues and I have long been defamed as ...

Civil Liberties Boss Says ‘Burn It All Down’ as Churches Torched
There it is. This precisely sums up the left's war on human beings who stand for individual freedoms of speech, expression and religion.

Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Says It Will Teach Critical Race Theory In All 50 States, 14,000 School Districts
Democrat nnion taking another page from …… the Nazis.

Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Says It Will Teach Critical Race Theory In All 50 States, 14,000 School Districts

By Chrissy Clark • Daily Wire • Jul 5, 2021 •

The ...

BOMBSHELL: Security Breach of Election Registration Servers in Arizona Occurred on Nov. 3 – Sec of State Hobbs Knew About It But Kept It Hidden
Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers is calling for an audit in “every county where they used the machines” (more here).

Photo credit: Gateway Pundit

every Congressman/Senator who voted to accept the electoral slates from the states without a ...

Outcry To ‘DEFUND NPR’ After They Said Declaration of Independence had ‘flaws and deeply ingrained hypocrisies’
Why should Americans be forced to underwrite and pay for the very propaganda being used to dismantle these United States? Madness.

Right calls to 'defund NPR' after it said the Declaration of Independence had 'flaws and deeply ingrained ...

After ‘Palestinians’ Rejects Israel Vax Offer, Israel To Send 700,000 Vaccines to South Korea
Beautiful – the gift of the Jews. Bravo! Israel offered the Palestinian Authority 700,000 vaccines, so that they could vaccinate their people. The Palestinian Authority rejected this act of humanity and generosity, because of their sick hatred of ...

NYC Crime Wave Triggers Rethink of ‘Racial-Justice’ Policing Changes: ‘They Made A Mistake’
There is nothing just about “racial justice.” On the contrary, it is racist, bigoted and primal.

Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a ...

Chinese State Media Publishes ‘Three-Stage Battle Plan’ For Taiwan Invasion As President Xi Calls For ‘Complete Reunification’
This kind of aggression from China did not happen during the Trump Administration. Now that the deterrence of the Trump Administration is gone, China is on the move in a big way. China has no fear or respect for the Biden Administration. In fact, ...

HISTORIC TRUMP PEACE: Moroccan Air Force Lands In Israel, Takes Part in IDF Drill
More miracles from President Trump's Abraham Accords. If President Trump were still in office, Israel would have established diplomatic relations with at least five more Muslim majority nations. Today, the Biden Administration couldn't care less ...

On a Collision Course with National Disaster
After the election coup of 2020, the Democrat party of treason is attacking everything American, everything good. Read Orwell or Rand for what you can expect to happen next — to happen to you, your children and your children's children.

On a ...


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