Also: NAFCU offers sale on online trainings; Final Reg on CFPB's COVID-19 protections under RESPA

The News You Need Daily

July 6, 2021

This week: Berger resumes travel, NAFCU hosts webinar to help CUs identify opportunities
The House and Senate are out of session this week. With a host of key issues being discussed in Congress that impact credit unions, NAFCU's award-winning advocacy will remain vigilant to ensure credit union priorities are heard upon Congress' return.

Summer sale: Save $250 on NAFCU's online training
NAFCU is committed to providing credit unions with access to the industry's best training opportunities via its Online Training Center. Currently, the association is offering $250 off all of its online training subscriptions with code SUMMER.

NAFCU issues Final Reg on CFPB's COVID-19 protections under RESPA
NAFCU Thursday sent a Final Regulation Alert to members breaking down the CFPB's final rule amending the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), or Regulation X. The association's Final Regulation Alerts are member-only resources that feature full text and easy to read summaries for final rulemakings affecting credit unions.

Save $250 on Critical CU Training
Use code SUMMER by 7/23 to save $250 on any of NAFCU's Online Training Subscriptions. Your entire CU will receive year-round access to critical regulatory updates and training.

Subscribe Now

Solid June jobs report in line with expectations
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported non-farm payrolls increased by 850,000 in June, and the unemployment rate rose slightly to 5.9 percent. NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long analyzed the report in a new NAFCU Macro Data Flash report.

Advocate for your members on Capitol Hill
Use your voice to push credit unions forward. Join us September 12 – 15, in Washington, DC or virtually from your home or office for NAFCU's Congressional Caucus. Register Now.

Save $250 on Critical CU Training
Use code SUMMER by 7/23 to save $250 on any of NAFCU's Online Training Subscriptions. You'll receive year-round access to critical regulatory updates and training for your staff and board.
Remaining Relevant: Critical Risks and Opportunities for the Future
NCUA - Policy for Setting the Normal Operating Level
Comments Due to NAFCU
Fair Lending - What Your Board Needs to Know
How PenFed is Delivering Point of Sale (POS) Lending
Complimentary Webinar
CU Research Survey Due
Topic: Tax Reporting/BSA




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