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Tuesday, July 6th, 2021

It’s Saigon in Afghanistan

Ron Paul, MD

The Delta Variant, the Unvaccinated, the two Americas, and Other Propaganda Fabrications

Jon Rappoport

Is Graphene Oxide Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘Covid-19?’

Gary D. Barnett

Hey, Doctor – Leave Those Kids Alone!

There’s no need to vaccinate healthy children or force them to wear filthy masks. Robert Bridge

Did Biden Really Win California?

John Smith

Venice Beach: The Purgatory Progressives Built

Kurt Hofer

Doomed: the Cadillac Seville (1976-2004)

Eric Peters

The Ice-Cream Flavor Next Time

James Howard Kunstler

The Truth About Covid-19, Lockdowns, and mRNA Vaccines

Steve Deace Show

Dealing With Made-up Words

Bionic Mosquito

A Quiet Game of Tennis

Taki Theodoracopulos

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Updates on the Fight to End Water Fluoridation

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