STOP SENSELESS WOLF KILLINGS IN NORTHEAST WASHINGTONYear after year, Washington state has sanctioned the killing of wolves on federal public lands in the Kettle River Range, near the Idaho border. The given reason for these killings has been wolf attacks on livestock grazing in the region. But the state has never adequately pursued non-lethal methods of reducing wolf-livestock conflicts, and the killings continue. Take Action: Tell the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to end senseless wolf killings >> |
Defenders in the News"We can't turn a blind eye to avoidable conflicts that lead to the continued lethal removal of wolves and expect a different result. " Quinn Read, Northwest Program Director, on Governor Jay Inslee's letter calling to end senseless wolf killings and prioritize coexistence in northeast Washington. Read more >> |
In honor of Wolf Awareness Week (Oct. 13th - 19th), please enjoy these highlights on wolf conservation across the country! |
CELEBRATING WOLF AWARENESS WEEKA change is happening in forests across the West: Wolves are finally coming home. Join us as we explore the history and ongoing recovery of these American icons. Read more >> |
Lucky EncounterMexican gray wolves are one of the rarest mammals in North America – which makes seeing one in the wild that much more unforgettable. Check out this first-hand tale of a truly unique lobo encounter. Read more >> |
Is that a wolf I see?Gray wolves have been missing from Colorado for more than 70 years. That changed for a moment this summer. What could this sighting mean for the future of gray wolves in Colorado? Read more >> |
Field Notes: Mexican Gray Wolf RecoveryThe fight to save Mexican gray wolves continues, and new champions join these efforts every day. Some amazing interns took part in a field internship program this summer to help give lobos their best shot at survival. Read more >> |
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