Make sure your MP joins the debt debate
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Hi friend,
This Thursday at 1.30pm there will be a debate in parliament about the UK’s growing personal debt crisis.
It’s so important MPs know how strongly people in their constituencies feel about this issue and that you want them to show up and take urgent action.
URGENT: Email your MP now ([link removed])
Many people are struggling with massively increased debts in the pandemic, as they have lost income and had to support their families.
There are now 8.5 million people heavily in debt. That’s 1 in 6 of us.
So far little has been done and the pressure, including on people's mental health, can be unbearable. One person told us that ‘Debt has social, emotional and mental side effects, the like of which are a silent venom.’
This is our chance to make sure the voices of people in debt are heard in parliament. But MPs will only act if they think it is an issue people in their constituency care about.
Make sure your MP steps up ([link removed])
This is such a huge opportunity; we must make as much noise as possible to make sure this issue gets taken seriously.
Your voice really can make all the difference.
As ever, thank you for taking action.
In solidarity,
Eva, Zak, Louie and the whole team at Jubilee Debt Campaign
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