Good news first, John —

Democrats like Mark Kelly and Amy McGrath are reporting incredible fundraising numbers to the FEC that prove we have a real chance to flip Senate seats in Arizona, Kentucky, and other critical states.

But… there’s bad news:

We’re still being massively outspent by Mitch McConnell and his network of dark money groups. If we want to stop them from buying another election, we need to act quickly:

Can you rush a $10 contribution to support our efforts to flip the Senate in 2020? We’re working to win seats in Maine, Arizona, Kentucky, South Carolina, and more. We only need to pick up four, which is why your donation is so important today. Chip in here.

Thank you for standing with us. It doesn’t get more important than taking back the Senate in 2020. Our future and our democracy depend on it, which is why we hope you’ll step up today. Thanks again.

— Flip the Senate