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Independence means freedom from economic, social, and legal injustice!

Frederick Douglass posed a question during remarks at an Independence Day celebration at Corinthian Hall in Rochester, New York:

"What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July?"

Mr. Douglass exposed the great hypocrisy of celebrating independence on July 4th when the independence declared in 1776 was not for all.

As you wake up the morning after the revelry, it is important to remember what we are celebrating independence from. Taxation without representation is a form of class based economic tyranny. The tyranny of economic injustice, inequality, and inequity continues to impede the rights, liberty, and independence of Americans and has grown exceptionally worse. As the rich get richer and unaddressed monopolies control our markets, eighty odd percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Government’s role is to set conditions that lead to economic, social, and legal justice and to ensure opportunity exists in every community for ALL. That is why along with celebrating our nation, we must continue to strive for a democracy in which everyone is free, everyone is equal under the law, and a good paying job that can support your family is not long a forgotten dream but is available to every American.

Celebrate and enjoy time with friends and family, but remember what we are fighting for: social and economic justice for all. I'm am so grateful and proud to have so many patriots of this great Nation marching by my side.

Stay safe, and Happy Independence Day! Semper Fidelis Ike

( Below, Ike with State Treasurer Dave Young at the Greeley Stampede Independence Day Parade! )

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