Independence Day is such a ludicrous, gaslighting holiday it's amazing! This is the day where the government says "Hey, congratulations! You're living on land stolen from Indigenous Americans, using an economic infrastructure that was built on excluding everybody who wasn't a White male, and has never been redesigned to make it equal and fair for everybody who lives here, but at least the forces of greed that are crushing you and everyone around you, driving people to live under overpasses and stand on street corners asking for spare change aren't the British! They're Americans, just like you! You may not be able to afford your rent next month and wind up on the street, or go bankrupt if someone in your family has a heart attack; the amount of money you possess may be worth more or less tomorrow based on the whim of some sociopathic billionaire bankers at the Federal Reserve and your federal government may be allowing other sociopathic billionaires to cause an eviction crisis so they can steal the homes of 20 million American families; our country may be fighting wars and killing innocent civilians to steal their country's natural resources or deliberately starving them to coerce them to revolt even though the overwhelming majority of us OPPOSE this, we may even be allowing businesses to utilize slavery to get your chocolate bar or your cell phone or your Levis; you may go to protests and notice the police are there to protect property, not you; you may be under warrantless surveillance RIGHT NOW and not even know they're watching you and you may not even be able to question what the government tells you on social media without being censored, you can't even check out Iranian TV or Russian TV or Chinese TV because we don't allow it, but you're free! We're independent. And if you don't like it, then you can pack up your shit and move to Cuba (except you probably can't afford it, and the US isn't allowing air travel there). We don't want socialism HERE because then we won't have all these freedoms!" Yay freedom!


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