This July 4th is a unique reminder of the power of the American spirit and what we can do with steady leadership, determination -- and a commitment to science and lifting up all Americans.

Thanks to a true team effort to deploy groundbreaking COVID vaccines to communities across the country, this 4th of July we are in a much, much better place than one year ago. While we have a long way to go to address the longterm impacts of the pandemic on many Americans, the American Rescue Plan has been a critical lifeline to families, workers and small businesses in need.

Across the country families are once again able to gather for barbecues, parades and hugs as we join together with neighbors and loved ones.

So today, I wish you and yours a happy Independence Day. I hope you’re able to enjoy the day, and celebrate how far we’ve come to beat this pandemic as we renew our commitment to moving our country forward together.

All my best,
