![]() Fellow Conservative,
I thank God I was born an American.
And I thank God that I have been privileged to learn the truth about the great men that built our country.
Men with names like Washington, Jefferson, and Adams.
These patriots risked their lives to birth our nation. And since them, millions of additional Americans, from Privates like Thomas E. Atkins to Generals like Douglas MacArthur, have fought to defend and preserve our Republic.
To these individuals, I am thankful. Today we should not only celebrate them, we should celebrate our Republic and all that our nation has achieved.
A nation that believes that these truths are self-evident:
All men are created equal They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights Life Liberty And the pursuit of happiness.
I hope you will join me in celebrating our nation by watching some fireworks, eating a hot dog, and remembering (and thanking) the men and women who have given their all, who risked their lives for this country and its values.
God bless you. And God bless the United States of America.
For Liberty,
Ted Cruz Paid for by Ted Cruz for Senate 815 A Brazos, PMB 550, Austin, TX 78701