John, I hope you are enjoying your holiday celebration.
On this Fourth of July, it’s time that we, as Americans, hold ourselves up to the values we claim in our founding documents: that all people are created equal and that “We the People” are responsible for building a more perfect union, based on justice, tranquility and liberty.
It’s time we build an inclusive democracy, where everyone has a voice, can exercise their freedom to vote, and is able to participate in our democracy.
And, the best way you can do that right now is by committing to join an event near you this week as part of our nationwide mobilization to pass the For the People Act -- a transformative democracy bill that will protect every voter's rights, ensure we all have a meaningful voice in government, and enable us to hold power accountable. Find an event near you today >>
You can read the message below for more details, and more ways you can get involved.
Thanks for all you do,
Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. For this weekend only, all Common Cause shirts, stickers, and other merchandise is 15% off when you use the promo code JULY4th15 at checkout -- visit to get started.
As you realize more than most -- if the Senate doesn’t take bold action for our democracy in the next few months, the consequences will be disastrous.
The For the People Act (alongside the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act) is our best chance to stop the coordinated, nationwide wave of voter suppression we’re seeing in states across the country. And, it would make major, long-overdue improvements to our democracy, like small donor public financing and ending gerrymandering.
We are holding nationwide mobilizations during the Senate recess, from June 28th to July 10th -- and I am writing to ask you to attend an event in support of voting rights in your community. You can find an event near you here>>
IMPORTANT: If there isn't an event in your community -- you can take a special leadership role by hosting your own. We’ll set you up with everything you need to get started -- just fill this form out to get going >>
No matter where you live -- in a red, blue, or purple state -- your event will help apply the necessary pressure on every senator to speak up as a champion for doing whatever it takes to pass the For the People Act.
We need as many events as possible in as many communities as possible across the country to show every Senator that the American people are showing up to demand a democracy. Can you sign up today to attend an event?
Or, if there isn't an event near you, you can make an even bigger difference by hosting your own event with our help >>
We can’t do this work without you. Let’s make these critical next few weeks count.
Thanks for all you do,
Christine Bass, For the People Act Organizer
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. - Can you commit two hours of your time this week to call voters? Just one phonebanking shift will generate dozens of phone calls to key swing senators that we will need to convince to pass the For the People Act through McConnell’s filibuster
. Find a day that works for you here to get started >>