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Happy Independence Day!

Americans of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs have so much to celebrate and be thankful for this July 4th. And it all starts with the human right to life.

All of us at Americans United for Life wish you and your loves ones a very happy Independence Day!

As Americans, we have so much to be grateful for and so much to celebrate this holiday. We have emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic together. We have seen heroic acts of service and bold actions from advocates and lawmakers advancing the human right to life across the states during this year's legislative sessions. And, despite the divisions that threaten to undo us as a people, we still look to our shared American flag as a symbol of our constitutional values and our hope for the future: E pluribus unum.

Of course, we can't walk together into that future without a commitment to the truth, and that starts always and everywhere with the ability to recognize that each of us are equal members of the human family. 

We will continue to share the truth and advance the human right to life, as Americans United for Life has done since our 1971 founding. As we embark in earnest on our 50th anniversary, and are grateful for you and your unwavering support of our mission and our cause.

God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.

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