Dear John, Today THIS is something worth celebrating! 🎉Congresswoman Barbara Lee just introduced historic legislation which would reallocate $350 billion of the Pentagon budget to social programs like healthcare, education, and green jobs. Celebrate by contacting your representative asking them to slash Pentagon funding! Today we’re not celebrating a holiday that valorizes U.S. militarism. We’re not celebrating a holiday that ignores the violent origins of our country. We’re not celebrating July 4th because we know that true freedom for people in the United States and around the world will only come when we END the military-industrial complex and slash the oppressive Pentagon budget. But we can celebrate our resistance to the U.S. war machine and Congresswoman Barbara Lee's historic legislation to reallocate Pentagon funding. ✍️Tell your representative to co-sponsor House Resolution 476 to cut the Pentagon budget by $350 billion! As the country celebrates a nationalist holiday today, politicians are driving a narrative that we should fear China as an existential threat to justify a $753 billion Pentagon budget. Don’t let politicians and the media fool you--the only thing that’s “exceptional” about America is our OUTRAGEOUS military spending which is triple what China spends on their military every year. Let’s send our representatives an important message on July 4: true freedom means slashing the Pentagon budget and investing in people!Reallocating $350 billion from the Pentagon budget to socially necessary programs has never been more urgent. Millions of Americans are steeped in debt, living paycheck to paycheck, facing eviction and struggling to pay medical bills amidst an ongoing health pandemic and recession while CEO’s at top weapons companies continue to rake in enormous profits. Freedom from the oppressive Pentagon budget would also mean taking on companies that make a killing on killing. So contact your representative to cut the Pentagon budget! Today, we’re not celebrating July 4th. We’re celebrating what true freedom could look like, and that’s ending U.S. militarism and slashing the oppressive Pentagon budget! Towards true freedom, Carley, Ariel, Ally, Ann, Ciara, Cody, Danaka, Emily, Farida, Jodie, Kelly, Leila, Leonardo, Madison, Mary, Marcy, Michelle, Moses, Nancy, Paki, RJ, Sana, and Teri PS: Spread the message of non-violence and buy our Imagine a World Without Weapons T-Shirt! It's that easy if you try! Buy some here! |
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