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Weekend Edition, July 3-4, 2021

Mankind Is Not Doomed To Live a Short Lifespan

How Japan Achieved Super-Longevity in Just Five Decades. Bill Sardi With Matthew Sardi

The Truth About the ‘Vaccine’

From an American Expat in Austria.

Freedom: Does It Really Exist?

Gary D. Barnett

Outrageous Free Speech Violations at the University of Oklahoma

David Deming

Is It Covid or Is It the Flu? Not Even Your Doctor Knows for Sure

L. Reichard White

Inside Biden’s New ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Strategy

Kit Knightly

Enjoy July 4 This Sunday. It Might Be the Last One

Paul Craig Roberts

I Saw Up Close How Rumsfeld Deliberately Caused the Deaths of US Troops for Personal Gain

He deserves a special place in Hell. Scott Ritter

Stumbling Toward Reality

James Howard Kunstler

Everything Is Great! Because the Fed Says So

Peter Schiff

Pandemics Are Staged on Television

‘Network’: the last great film about The News. Jon Rappoport

If You’ve Had Covid You’re Likely Protected for Life

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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