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It looks as if Californians will receive a recall ballot in the mail in just a few weeks with one important question at the top. It will look something like this:

“Shall Gavin Newsom be recalled (removed) from the office of Governor?”

So with this recall happening right around the corner, I am asking for you to join me in making sure we keep Gavin Newsom in office:

Can you please make a $3 contribution to Gavin Newsom’s campaign to defeat the Republican recall attempt happening in California?

Right now Republicans across the country are proposing and passing hundreds of anti-voter laws in dozens of states that would limit an eligible voters’ registration ability to vote.

While we continue to fight these suppressive efforts, we must also recognize the progress of our allies — like those in California — who have made positive reforms focusing on transparency, ingenuity, and equity in our elections.

The truth is, not only has Gavin Newsom courageously led California through a global pandemic — putting health, science and equity at the center of the state’s response, but he has made it easier for people to vote in his state.

Please make a $3 contribution, or any amount you can afford, to help Gavin Newsom defeat the Republican recall attempt happening in California.

What we have proved in Georgia is that when people organize and make themselves heard, there is nothing that can stop us. That’s what we’ll need to do in California to defeat this Republican recall attempt.

Thanks for chipping in.

Stacey Abrams

Can Gavin Newsom count on you to make a contribution to his campaign to defeat the Republican recall? Now that we know ballots are being sent in just a few weeks, it’s more important than ever.

Contribute $3 to help Gavin Newsom defeat the recall in California.



Ad paid for by Stop the Republican Recall of Governor Newsom. Committee major funding from Reed Hastings, California Association of Realtors, California Democratic Party

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