There's so much to be thankful for this year, but what brings me the most
joy is that if you're vaccinated like I am, then life is finally starting
to return to normal.
But there's one thing I'm still doing that I don't plan to stop -- at
least not in the near future -- and that's wearing a mask.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not wearing one when I see family and friends or
just hitting the drive thru. What I'm doing is following the advice of Dr.
Fauci and still wearing my mask in crowded public settings, especially
The movie theater? Check! Airports? Yup. Hospitals? Of course! Pretty much
anywhere indoors with the general public and the possibility of Covid
variants. With that in mind, I started thinking about you.
[ [link removed] ]We still have our powerful values driven VOTE masks available. We also
still have many many elections to win, including electing Nina Turner to
Congress in less than 2 weeks. And we still need you to help fund the
fight to win. All of it adds up to one thing: an exclusive offer to send
you a VOTE mask FREE as a thank you gift when you donate $15 or more to
our work to win.
[ [link removed] ][IMG]With the DFA VOTE mask, you can support the fight for progressive
change -- and make sure we keep Congress blue in 2022 -- while also
standing up for our values:
Black Lives Matter
No Human Is Illegal
Love Is Love
Women's Rights Are Human Rights
Kindness Is Everything
Science Is Real
Summer is here. We don't have to stay home and away from everyone we know.
But we do still need to be safe.
[ [link removed] ]Why take chances when you can protect yourself just by wearing a mask?
Get your FREE mask as a gift from us when you donate $15 or more right now
and fund the fight to defeat QAnon insurrectionist Republicans and elect
transformational progressives leaders like Nina Turner nationwide >>
DONATE NOW: [link removed]
The pandemic isn't over, even though it's starting to feel that way. Let's
make sure it doesn't return in the fall with new variants and worse
infections by continuing to do our part and stay safe.
I'm excited to make these mask available to DFA members again.
I hope you'll donate today to fund our work, so I can send you one right
away as a thank you for everything you're doing to make sure we win.
Molly Goldberg
Development Manager
Democracy for America
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