Happy 4th of July, and welcome to our Weekend
As families and neighbors gather this Independence weekend, it is
important we take time to celebrate this great nation and the freedoms
we enjoy. In celebration of our great nation’s birth, President Ronald
Reagan once remarked, “Freedom is never more than one generation away
from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.
It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the

While in Washington, D.C., this week, I joined Fox Business to
discuss government waste and fraud as well as the importance of
growing the private sector, not increasing the size of government. Click
here or below to watch.

To help save American families who are being crushed by the rising
costs of inflation, I introduced the Stop Inflation Spending Act. The
American people deserve to know the true cost of government spending
that increases the size of government and constrains growth in the
real economy made up of private-sector innovators, entrepreneurs, and
hardworking people.
Inflation is a hidden tax on everyone, and hardworking American
families are now feeling squeezed by rising prices at the gas pump and
grocery store. When inflation was a significant concern in the 1980s,
the Congressional Budget Office issued inflationary projections for
individual bills. Restoring this practice for large reconciliation
bills is a commonsense reform that will curb Washington’s
out-of-control spending and hold the government accountable to the
American people for spending taxpayer dollars and running up the
national debt.
This week, I spoke to the Reading Eagle about the proposed
$1.2 trillion infrastructure agreement between a bipartisan group of
senators and the Biden administration. I am eager to support these
necessary investments needed to fix our roads and bridges, expand
broadband access and support other critical infrastructure needs. I
have always supported plans to fund real infrastructure projects. My
support for this plan is dependent on the details of the final version
other as long as Biden doesn't try linking its passage to an agreement
to force any of his big-government agenda items. Click
here to read more.
The Biden administration and congressional Democrats have again called
for packing the U.S. Supreme Court.
Because the U.S. Supreme Court issued two rulings in a campaign and
election-related cases.
One decision was a challenge to Arizona election laws, including a
ban on ballot harvesting. The other was about a California law that
required nonprofits to disclose their largest donors to the state
government for law enforcement purposes.
The court upheld the Arizona laws – which included important
election security measures – and struck down the California law on the
grounds that it chilled free speech.
Packing the courts is a dangerous policy and directly interjects
politics into the judicial branch. The extreme left has prioritized
the federal takeover of the election process and packing the courts.
Their partisan desires underscore the importance of winning back
control of the U.S. Senate and House next year.
Lastly, PoliticsPA asked their visitors who Republicans should
nominate for Governor, and I was chosen. I am grateful, and humbled by
your support.

As I have said before, I am actively considering the best ways I
can help our Commonwealth and our nation. I plan to be active in the
fight to win back control of the U.S. House and retire Speaker Nancy
Pelosi once and for all. I also know that if we implement the right
plans based on the successful policies of the states who are leading
our nation, Pennsylvania can be the next Texas.
Finally, please be safe and have a happy 4th of July. We
are so blessed to live in this great country and enjoy spending time
with your family and friends,