From ADL's Never Is Now Summit <[email protected]>
Subject Earn CLE credits while you stand up against anti-Semitism and hate
Date October 13, 2019 1:00 PM
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With anti-Semitism and hate crimes becoming a steady &mdash; and sometimes deadly &mdash; drumbeat in our country, we cannot stand idly by.

If you are troubled by the current spike in anti-Semitism and extremism around the world, and want to improve your personal and professional understanding of these vital issues, take part in
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Never Is Now, ADL&rsquo;s annual Summit on anti-Semitism and all forms of hate on November 21st in NYC.

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You can earn CLE credits at the Summit while exchanging ideas with top subject matter experts brought together by ADL from across the country and abroad. Never Is Now is the world&rsquo;s largest gathering dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism, and we want you to join us there.

This year, our event includes three CLE credit-eligible sessions:

- Bias and Hate Online and How the Law is Falling Short
- Religious Freedom, Shield or Sword: Constitutional and Jewish Law Perspectives
- After Charlottesville: Litigating Against Violent White Supremacy
Speakers at these sessions will inform and inspire you, including Roberta Kaplan of Kaplan Hecker & Fink, a litigator against neo-Nazis and co-founder of the Time&rsquo;s Up Legal Defense Fund; Ari Waldman, Microsoft Visiting Professor of Law at Princeton&rsquo;s Center for Information Technology Policy and Professor of Law and Founding Director of the Innovation Center for Law and Technology at New York Law School; and Cynthia Lowen, an Emmy-nominated filmmaker whose latest documentary, Netizens, explores online harassment.

You can earn 1.0 CLE credits for each session you attend. The CLE fee is included in the registration price.
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Click here to learn more about the CLE credits and to register.

Please share this information with your colleagues, networks and alumni groups, and
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register now to join us at New York&rsquo;s Javits Center on November 21st where you can explore a wide range of issues related to anti-Semitism and meet like-minded people who are passionate about building a more inclusive world.

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