The deprogramming begins.
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Now that I've been unmuzzled, I told you things might be a little more controversial around here. I imagine this article will go over like passing wind in an elevator on social media.

The "deprogramming" of Trump supporters and the "re-education" of white people to believe we owe penance to every person of other races is dangerously divisive.

And they're just getting started.


What do you think about the re-education going on in the courtroom, workplace, and school system? Share your thoughts in the comments.


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Sourcing healthy, affordable food when you live in a downtown apartment can be challenging for various reasons. However, there are many options!

From the Archives

You can convert your stockpiled flour into this easy-to-make survival food that has an almost unlimited shelf life if stored in a dry, pest-free environment.

Have you ever wondered how to defend your home and yourself if the SHTF? Selco provides us with information from his personal experience in the Balkans.
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