Dear John, You are invited to join Tuesday CODEPINK CONGRESS Calling Parties to mobilize peace legislation! Chat with peacemakers and experts on July 6: Join us for a discussion of both grassroots and legislative efforts to end Selective Service, a program that forces young men to register for future wars. Who wants to repeal it? Who wants to expand it to include women?! We’ll talk about current bills in Congress and also address sexual harassment and assault in the military. FeaturingSpecial guest co-hosts Danaka Katovich and Isaac Roth Blumfield of the CODEPINK Peace Collective. Guests: Rivera Sun, author and activist with CODEPINK and World and Beyond War, is working to abolish the military draft system for people of all genders. Ed Hasbrouk is a draft registration resister who served four months in a federal prison camp for refusal to sign up with Selective Service. Adrienne Kinne is the president of Veterans for Peace and a former Arab linguist in military intelligence & psychology specialist at the Veterans Affairs Department. Take Action!
Google Group & Local LeadersJoin our CODEPINK Congress Google Group, a space for sharing events and actions. Request to be added here! Become a CODEPINK Congress liaison in your district to mobilize support for demilitarization and progressive foreign policy! Sign up here as a volunteer organizer. Finally, if you missed last week's meeting, you can view it here on YouTube. View the entire CODEPINK Congress archives here. Onward toward peace and
justice, |
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