Speak Up for National Popular Vote by Writing Newspapers in Your State
You can help build support for a National Popular Vote for President by writing newspapers in your state. Here are some recent examples.

In the Reading Eagle, Gary Lucchese wrote: "Most Americans believe every vote should be equal, the candidate with the most votes should win, and that candidates should have to solicit votes everywhere in the country."

In the Wichita Eagle, Patrick Clough writes, "The National Popular Vote compact is the only realistic path to electing the president by a popular vote. It’s a law that says the electors in those states have to cast their votes for the winner of the national popular vote."

The League of Women Voters, one of our strongest allies with chapters all across the country, writes from their Indiana chapter: "Lawmakers, not the electorate, will decide the fate of the Electoral College, but we the people can have a say. Pew Research found in January that 55% of US citizens support the popular vote."

·    One-page description of National Popular Vote
·    Introductory video (8 minutes)
·    Watch our myth-busting webinar hosted by National Popular Vote's grassroots director Eileen Reavey
·    Watch Jesse Wegman, author of Let the People Pick the President
·    Watch Prof. George Edwards III, author of Why the Electoral College Is Bad for America
·    Podcast with Jason Harrow, Executive Director of Equal Citizens and National Popular Vote Chair Dr. John Koza
·    Listen to Open Mind podcast in which Alexander Heffner interviews National Popular Vote Chair Dr. John Koza (also on Spotify)
·    Watch Michael Steele, former Chair of the Republican National Committee
·    Watch Rick Tyler, author of Still Right, and Saul Anuzis present the conservative case for electing the President by National Popular Vote
·    Watch debate at R Street between National Popular Vote's Eileen Reavey and Patrick Rosenstiel and NPV's opponents Tara Ross and Trent England
·     Watch video of the 270-by-2024 virtual conference, with 16 speakers, hosted by National Popular Vote, FairVote, Common Cause, the League of Women Voters, and Equal Citizens