Even though there is A LOT going on in the halls of Congress and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue this week, I’ll keep this Weekly Update short. No policy re-caps, no media hits, and no blog lists. I just want to wish everybody a wonderful and a very Happy Fourth of July. Whether you are traveling to see loved ones (or get away from loved ones), going to the beach or mountains, having a backyard barbeque, or just staying at home, I hope it’s a nice long and relaxing weekend for everybody. Growing up in the Philadelphia area, July 4 thhas always been a special celebration for me. My parents would take me and my brother to Independence Hall to see the Liberty Bell and visit the other historic sites. That never got old and gave me a deep appreciation for this country. Now, living in Washington, D.C. and leading the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, it takes on a deeper meaning as the country goes deeper into debt. Thank you for your support over the years and please have a very Happy Fourth of July however you celebrate.

Have a great weekend!
David Williams
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
1401 K Street, NW
Suite 502
Washington, D.C. xxxxxx