
I wanted to reach out and personally thank you for your support this past month and for being a part of this team.

Whether you donated, shared our social media posts, or simply read our emails and stayed up to date with what’s going on in both Lansing and Washington — every action you take supports our work. And I want you to know that I’m extremely grateful for everything you do.

We just wrapped up our critical June FEC fundraising deadline — and my team is still combing over the numbers — but from what we can tell, our results are going to be great. And we have you to thank for that.

But trust me, there will be more challenges ahead. When state Senate Republicans return in two weeks, they're poised to take up THE most restrictive voter ID bills in the country.

I'll be in touch about how you can help us fight back, but for now: I won’t take up too much more of your time as we kick off this holiday weekend.

Just know that the months ahead are going to be critical so we can prepare to keep Michigan blue in 2022, and our work is impossible without your support.

Enjoy the holiday weekend,

Lavora Barnes

Lavora Barnes
Chair, Michigan Democratic Party


Paid for by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, Michigan Democratic State Central Committee
606 Townsend Street
Lansing , MI 48933
United States,
www.michigandems.com. Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate committee.
This email was sent by Michigan Dems, Building a Stronger Michigan

*Contributions to the Michigan Democratic Party are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Your contribution will be used in connection with federal elections and is subject to the limitations and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act. Federal law requires political committees to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions exceed $200.00 in a calendar year. If you no longer want to hear from MDP, please unsubscribe here. If you'd like to update your contact information or view your contribution history, click here. Questions or concerns? Contact us here.