From Jacqueline Kozin <[email protected]>
Subject John, can you believe we did a year of politics online?
Date July 2, 2021 7:12 PM
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John, being Executive
Director of the Connecticut Democratic Party has to be one of the
most challenging jobs I’ve ever had — and the pandemic only made
it more challenging.

We’ve come so far together, and through it all you have been
there. Thank you for supporting Connecticut Democrats
, John!

Today I want to share this video that CT Dems staff put together
talking about the challenges we’ve faced and the memories we’ve
made over the past year. Click here to watch!
( [link removed] )

The Connecticut Democratic Party had to completely rethink the
way we operate when the pandemic hit. Normally, our campaigning
and organizing depends on gathering and connecting in person.

When that wasn’t an option, we had to pivot our efforts to new

When we couldn’t knock on doors, we had hundreds of volunteers
step up and participate in text banks. Usually, we depend on
in-person fundraising events to fuel our efforts, but this past
year we had to organize virtual events instead.

With special Zoom conversations — featuring actors like Harvey
Fierstein and Patti LuPone, elected officials including
Representatives Ayanna Pressley and Jamie Raskin, and
Connecticut’s Democratic leaders including Rep. Rosa DeLauro and
Governor Ned Lamont — we were amazed that even though we couldn’t
gather in person, our community was still engaged and ready to
create positive change in our state.

I’m so grateful for the other members of our staff who worked
diligently to make all of our organizing and fundraising

Watch our video to hear from them about their own experiences
with our year of politics online.
( [link removed] )

Watch Here
( [link removed] )

John, we couldn’t have
pulled off such incredible Democratic successes throughout the
last year without your support.

Thank you for all that you do for the Connecticut Democratic

Sí se puede,

Jacqueline Kozin

Executive Director

Connecticut Democrats

Donate (
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CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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