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Anti-Israel Sentiment Contributing to Acts of Antisemitism
In an
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op-ed for the Times of Israel, Sharon Nazarian, SVP for International Affairs, writes about the surge in global antisemitism related to the recent conflict in Israel. She explains that the data collected by ADL fit into three categories -violence, vandalism, and vitriol -all of which have the potential result of terrorizing Jewish individuals and communities. She writes:
To be clear, we are not talking about publicly expressed criticism of Israeli actions and policies that are a part of legitimate civil discourse and free expression in a democratic society. Rather, the incidents we have documented through the month of May show a direct targeting of Jews and Jewish institutions under the guise of, or motivated by, anger at Israel. That’s not activism. That’s antisemitism.
New ADL Research Exposes Antisemitism of Iran’s President-Elect
In an
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op-ed for Newsweek, Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO, highlights the antisemitism of Iran’s President-Elect Ebrahim Raisi, including overseeing the production of a documentarypromoting the notorious antisemitic work: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, writing:
Raisi's history of hate mongering throws into stark relief the twin perils of U.S. engagement with Iran over its nuclear activities. On the one hand, real progress will be tough to achieve with such a regime, especially now that Raisi's election erases the fiction that Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, might be offset by a less provocative Iranian president. But on the other hand, these revelations also highlight the urgency of such negotiations, given how terrifying the prospect would be of nuclear weapons in the hands of such cruel and hateful men.
Incitement and Racism in Israeli Society Condemned
ADL’s Israel office
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spoke out against the dangerous level of incitement across Israeli society, including by Knesset members and rabbis, against the new Israeli government. In a statement, ADL Israel warned that questioning the authenticity of one’s Jewish identity and engaging in incitement through religious rhetoric can lead to acts of extremism by those who follow the teachings and religious directives of these leaders.
ADL’s Israel office also condemned several episodes of racism and hate in Israel, including:
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calls by the Safed Chief Rabbi to not purchase agricultural products from Arabs;
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anti-Arab comments by Noam party head Avi Moaz;
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chants of “death to Arabs” and “Mohammed is dead” during the flag march in Jerusalem; and a Haredi Knesset Member’s
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comment equating Reform Jews with pigs.
Please join ADL, AJC, Bnai Brith, Alliance 4 Israel and others for
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No Fear: A Rally in Solidarity with the Jewish People on July 11th in Washington, DC. Additional details below.
Israel & Broader Middle East
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welcomed the swearing in of a new government in Israel, led by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Alternate Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, and congratulated both for their efforts to construct a broad-based coalition government reflecting a wide-swath of Israeli society.
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congratulated Isaac Herzog on being selected to serve as Israel’s next President.
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congratulated Tom Nides on his nomination to serve as the next US Ambassador to Israel.
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welcomed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for passing the bi-partisan Israel Relations Normalization Act to promote peace and tolerance-building between Israel and Arab states.
CEO Jonathan Greenblatt and NY/NJ Regional Director Scott Richman
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hosted a delegation of Israeli leaders visiting under the auspices of Gesher, to express solidarity with the US Jewish community in the face of a rise of antisemitism in the US.
David Weinberg, Washington Director for International Affairs,
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published an analysis of Egyptian state textbooks which found that, despite some positive material about Jews, it also contains some significantly problematic material.
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marked the 80th anniversary of the Farhud, a Nazi-inspired pogrom against the Baghdadi Jewish community.
Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO, and Sharon Nazarian, SVP for International Affairs, participated in a Chelsea FC sponsored
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webinar on soccer’s role in fighting antisemitism.
In a new
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blog , ADL highlighted and documented arise in antisemitism in the soccer world, especially among certain fan bases. The piece was translated and published in the print edition of Die Welt German newspaper.
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documented the trivializing of the Holocaust-era yellow star by European protesters against Covid restrictions and vaccination efforts.
A joint US-German initiative to combat rising antisemitism and Holocaust denial around the world was
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welcomed .
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expressed strong opposition to a Polish Holocaust restitution bill that would effectively make restitution or compensation for Holocaust era property unobtainable.
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welcomed the UK’s announcement that they would not attend the Durban conference anniversary event at the United Nations, joining the United States, Australia and Canada.
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acknowledged the long-overdue release by the European Union of a report on hate and violence in Palestinian textbooks.
Switzerland’s adoption of the IHRA definition on antisemitism was
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welcomed .
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welcomed a decision by the German government to ban the flying of Hamas flags.
ADL delivered a Managing Implicit Bias (MIB) training to Berlin civil society in cooperation with the Berlin State Agency for Political Education, a Berlin state-run, non-partisan educational institution.
Dalia Grinfeld, Assistant Director for European Affairs,
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addressed the European Commision’s working group on antisemitism.
Dalia also
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spoke at an OSCE/ODIHR panel on “Intolerance and Discrimination during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Perspectives from Civil Society Organizations.”
Latin America
The Organization of American States’s appointment of an antisemitism envoy was
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welcomed .
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condemned the use of antisemitic tropes and support for BDS of Chilian presidential hopeful Daniel Jadue.
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condemned the anti-Israel activists who vandalized the home of Spanish journalists Pilar Rohola after she expressed pro-Israel sentiment.
A pro-BDS bill in the Chilean Congress was
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condemned .
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congratulated Honduras on the opening of its Israeli embassy in Jerusalem.
In an effort to reach Spanish speaking audiences in the US and around the world, two ADL op-eds by Ken Jacobson, Deputy National Director, were translated into Spanish:
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On Hamas and Hezbollah
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On Survey of Jews in America
Global & Communal
ADL condemned antisemitic incidents and trends globally, including: graffiti on a Jewish school in
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Australia ; the desecration of a Torah scroll in the Frankfort airport synagogue in
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Germany ; an arson attack on the Ulm synagogue
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Germany ; two Jews assaulted in the
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UK ; bullet holes in a synagogue and the desecration of a cemetery in
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Ukraine ;
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expressed shock at the killing of a Muslim family in London, Ontario in Canada.
A new
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blog by David Weinberg, Washington Director for International Affairs, highlights antisemitic sermons related to Israel from religious leaders from seven countries who are US allies.
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commended the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for approving the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act –which prevents importing forced labor goods from Xinjiang, China into the US.
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