After attending ECPAT-USA's training about ending trafficking in hotels, Jen Mawson shared her notes with her daughter, Natalie. When Natalie learned that their home state, Colorado, did not require anti-trafficking signage in hotels, Natalie decided to take action. The eighth-grader wrote to Governor Jared Polis and urged him to direct companies to display signage about human trafficking across the state.

"ECPAT-USA says that awareness is one of the most important ways to fight human trafficking and support victims," Natalie wrote. "Please consider mandating human trafficking signage laws for Colorado."

ECPAT-USA was proud to highlight stories such as Jen and Natalie's that illustrate the impact of our work as part of our annual Freedom Awards benefit. The event not only showcased the myriad of ways that we work each day to protect children but also gave us a chance to honor leaders in the fight to end child trafficking and other forms of exploitation. 

If you weren't able to celebrate with us on June 15, a full recording of the Freedom Awards is now available. Click below to watch the event in its entirety, and there's still time to make a difference by supporting our anti-trafficking programs. Make a donation today.


Attendees of the Freedom Awards, we invite you to complete a short survey about the benefit here. Your responses will help us shape future events and will remain private. 

ECPAT-USA is the leading policy organization in the United States seeking to end the commercial sexual exploitation of children through awareness, advocacy, policy, and legislation. Join us.
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