On Sunday, July 4, multiple holiday celebrations will occur around DC. There will be street closures, parking restrictions, and watercraft restrictions that motorists should take into consideration. You can find more specifics here.
Additionally, a number of government services will be closed on July 5th in observance of the holiday weekend.
Department of Motor Vehicles (DC DMV) will be open on Saturday, July 3 from 8:15 am - 4 pm for walk-ins. No appointment is required. All locations will be closed on Monday, July 5.
The District’s COVID-19 public testing sites will be closed on Saturday, July 3. To learn more about free testing sites across the District, visit coronavirus.dc.gov/testing.
The District’s COVID-19 call center will be closed on Monday, July 5th. For general COVID-19 related questions or to book a vaccine appointment for homebound residents, call 1-855-363-0333.
The Department of Employment Services Navigation Call Center will be closed on Monday, July 5. Residents are encouraged to file unemployment insurance claims online at does.dc.gov.
The STAY DC Call Center will be closed on Monday, July 5. Renters and housing providers can apply for funding to cover rental and utility payments online at stay.dc.gov.
Meal distribution sites at DC Public Schools and Department of Parks and Recreation facilities will be closed on Monday, July 5. On Friday, July 2, youth can pick up an additional meal kit at open meal sites. Additionally, deliveries through the homebound COVID-19 program will be paused on Monday, July 5.
You can find a full schedule of which government services are open and closed here